Right-Wing Islamic Jihadists increasing use of edged weapons for attacks
Author: Odhinn Kohout
“A collection of shotguns, knives and samurai swords was discovered in the trunk of a car carrying six British jihadists who plotted to kill and maim hundreds of people.”
With the recent savage killing of British Soldier Lee Rigby (2nd Battalion/ The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers) it should be pointed out that edged weapons have been a consistent choice for Islamic Terrorists as they are readily accessible and require little to no training to be proficient.
The Orlando man from Chechnya who was shot by the FBI had pulled a knife on an Agent who was questioning him about his connection to the Tsarnaev Brothers and the triple homicide in 2011 in which three roommates had their throats cut out.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev of the Boston Bombing attack who was friends with Ibragim Todashev (shot by FBI) and is now suspected by Police who have re-opened the case to have been part of this murder in which knives were used as the primary weapon.
Knife defense training is a crucial aspect to front-line training and many people forget that outside of the West the knife has a long and revered place of importance in many cultures.
Make some time…in your schedule to seek out some professionals in the area of edged weapon defense and incorporate this training into your use of force curriculum.
Be safe Gentlemen!
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