Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Author: Odhinn Kohout

As you practice more edged weapon defense start to think about incorporating strikes into your blocks/flinch.
 An untrained reflexive response throws the hands out usually in front of the eyes and steps back. For Military/Police we are looking to strike as we block and step forward taking an offensive approach to being attacked.
The lesson example you can see that my right hand is striking the front deltoid head of the shoulder specifically affecting the Brachial Plexus nerve. My left hand strikes the Median Nerve around mid-inner forearm and then grabs the weapon hand while twisting upward so that his pinky finger is facing upward towards the ceiling.

The wrist is now locked with tendons of the weapon arm spiraled around the bone taking away a great deal of his ability to resist. With my right forearm I brace against the “flat” of the blade (when you practice this you will see that the knife is flat against your forearm) while maintaining the wristlock and use a push/pull motion to pop the blade out. It is not uncommon to send the knife across the room using this disarm as the wrist lock puts it under considerable pressure.

This is a fast and effective disarm technique. Train hard Guys and be safe.

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