Thursday, 21 February 2013

EDGED WEAPON ATTACKS-Controlling the Arms
Author: Odhinn Kohout

It is important to maintain contact and be aware of both of your attacker’s arms when you are defending yourself from a sudden attack in which a reactionary gap is not possible. This can be done using a mixture of overhooks and underhooks, blocks, and grabs.


We sometimes forget when practicing our defensive tactics that your Attacker is capable of using both hands and interchanging weapons to opposing hands throughout an altercation. Blocking an attack is unfortunately not enough and this will leave you without the space necessary for transitioning to other options. The block (in point of fact) should not even be considered as  an aspect of your technique due to its nature as a autonomic and therefore uncontrolled natural response.
In the picture I am crisscrossing the attacker’s arms prior to the hip toss as a way to inhibit his ability to;

·       1. Grab an additional weapon hidden from view

·         2. Break his fall using his arms

Experiment with various ways to control the angles of attack and I encourage you to use a combination of training knives. Metal (to build a combat cognitive response) and Marking Blades ( to ensure that the techniques are being performed correctly.

Practice for combat Guys and don’t take the easy way out in training…

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