Getting up off the
ground without “the Guard”
Author: Odhinn Kohout
I am not a proponent of the guard for Military/Police so I
wanted to offer some simple solutions as to how to get back into the fight if
you have been knocked down from an Attacker.
In the first picture you will see that my legs are open and
I have my left foot on the Attackers right hip while my right foot gets into
position. The second picture shows a close-up of the foot position. The Left
foot once landmarked is pushing back on the hip bone (Iliac Crest) in order to
create a reactionary gap. I do not want a guard as it would bring the Attacker
on top of me and tie my body to him. This makes no sense wearing heavy gear
with limited mobility…
The second and third picture shows how the left foot will
leave the hip and will be replaced by the left leg hooking over and behind the
right knee of the bad-guy taking away the post from his right leg. At the same
time your right leg is used to generate the power to sweep him over to his left
side as there is no post.
This momentum is very quick and you can use his body weight
to complete the sweep onto his back and regain a top position. Notice in the
last frame that I am pushing off the floor into my Attacker; I am not merely
posting from a tripod. You can quickly get up and away as a second option
immediately using this transition.
Be safe Guys!